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3:1  Do we introduce ourselves again from the beginning to show you what we are, or do we need, as others, letters of commandments to be written to you about us, or for you to write to give decrees concerning us?
3:2  But you are our letter written in our heart and known and read by everyone.
3:3  For you know that you are a letter of The Messiah that is ministered by us, written not in ink, but by The Spirit of THE LIVING GOD, not in tablets of stone, but in tablets of hearts of flesh.
3:4  But in this way we have trust in The Messiah toward God,
3:5  Not that we are sufficient to think anything as from ourselves, but our power is from God,
3:6  He who made us worthy to be Ministers of The New Covenant, not in The Scripture, but in The Spirit, for The Scripture kills, but The Spirit gives life.
3:7  But if the ministry of death in The Scripture carved in stone was with glory, so that the children of Israel were not able to gaze at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face ( that which has been canceled ),
3:8  How shall therefore the ministry of The Spirit not be all the more with glory?
3:9  For if the administration of a guilty verdict was certain glory, how much more shall the administration of righteousness superabound in glory?
3:10  For that which was glorified was not even glorious by comparison to that excellent glory.
3:11  For if that which has been eliminated was with glory, all the more that which remains shall be with glory.
3:12  Therefore, because we have this hope, we conduct ourselves publicly all the more.
3:13  And not as Moses who had laid a veil over his face, so that the children of Israel would not gaze at the termination of that which was ceasing.
3:14  But they were blinded in their understanding; for until today whenever the Old Testament is read, that veil remains over them, and it is not revealed that it is being abolished by The Messiah.
3:15  And until today, whenever Moses is read, the veil is laid over their heart,
3:16  And whenever anyone of them will be turned to THE LORD JEHOVAH, the veil is taken away from him.
3:17  But The Spirit is THE LORD JEHOVAH, and wherever The Spirit of THE LORD JEHOVAH is, there is freedom.
3:18  But we all see the glory of THE LORD JEHOVAH with unveiled faces, as in a mirror, and we are changed into the image from glory to glory, as from THE LORD JEHOVAH, THE SPIRIT.